Monday, 29. April 2002
oh my god linux is sooo early nineties
have seen magnolia! the acting is terrific. it's a nice length too. very compact for three hours. i think everything about that movie is well done. the script is wonderful. so is all the camera work. isn't it cool how such a silly man (tom cruise) gets such good films? i mean, vanilla sky is perhaps the most incredible film experience in existence. i think it's just his zealous confidence in relation to his small stature that makes him laughable. and, man! i love alfred hitchcock. what a pioneer. spellbound is so wonderful for all its romantic attempts and all its psychological webs and all its visual complexity. a film with ingrid bergman and gregory peck +sigmund freud+salvador dai??? this man totally gratifies me. and i just saw rear window. wow! i've never had such a reaction to a movie from the sixties. perfection! okay, i am quite conscious of sounding like some egotistical bastard writing for some yuppie richmond magazine like style weekly or something so i'll just shut up. BUT ALFRED HITCHCOCK IS COOL! and david lynch is not. i really hate that guy. what a dumb fuck. okay. if you want to make a statement about jealousy in hollywood, WHAT THE FUCK!!!, don't make the creation as dumb as the subject. i mean unless you have a serious perspective on such ridiculous trash. in which case, you don't deserve to involve millions of dollars and hours in anything you HAVE A NOTION ABOUT, at all. dumb fuck. that was another mulholland drive rant. david lynch is a fucking moron. okay. uhhhhhhhh ahh, so i was talking about sundays. well, then i started to have quiet sundays after my dad left and i no longer had to "get outta the house" or "get things done" like stupid menial housework that should be reserved for school days that are already ruined anyway. i wish my dad didn't help himself be so miserable. that just sucks. i wish he didn't think that sitting, in his stupid goddamned corporate office with his belly molded by the angled edge of his desk while he alternates between pushing the buttons on his speakerphone to reach the managed souls he possesses, pushing the buttons on his smooth, firm, cleancut gray keyboard in pursuit of new and improved technological explorations on "that interweb thing" , and pushing the buttons of yet another buttondown shirt idly and absentmindedly... i wish he didn't think that sitting there and doing that for an ungodly great fraction of his every day was actually more productive than enjoying what sundays have to offer. ... Link |
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