Sunday, 2. March 2003
oh, god

i haven't been this stressed out in so long. when i get stressed out at this school i have the worst insomnia. and then i'm tired and can't get work done and if i drink coffee i go mad. aughhhhh

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oh yeah

and another documentary with five actors by thursday.

... Link

my mind's

been full of lots of shit this week, and the roaring hasn't petered out yet. fuck.

well at least its not just dead moderation.

shit! two paper revisions, a paper proposal for a ten-page paper, then due in ten days, an application essay that i have to bullshit and make sound honest, by means of analysis and creativity both, which i'm running out of.... then this fucking presentation tomorrow morning and the conference on an old paper when it should be about a new one but i haven't revised it yet!!!

errr i dunno if he'll give me an extension till after spring break. but i bet if i told him what was on my mind he'd give it to me... it's valid...

need to change therapists because by now i'm smart enough to want some responses to my babble...

need to stop thinking of people who... i dunno... can't figure it out... that's part of the problem, i suppose.

i'm kind of screwed. what am i gonna do in two years? everytime i need to do shitloads of work, i become mike. i knew it. katherine didn't believe me when i said i was like mike, but for a degree of sanity he doesn't possess. i lose it myself when i go to work. then she sees, and gets scared, and she's starting to believe me. so much for preserving a residue of decency around here.

well, maybe in two years i'll be doing something that gives me so much peace that it's all i want to fill my life with, and i can forget about the craziness. all i think of is editing and making puppets. editing! i don't need a buzz for it; it comes from inside. it's not something i need to psych myself up for.

but then comes the paper part. the 150+ page research paper. that's plan. i'll have seceded once and for all by then.

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