Monday, 11. February 2002
the departure of cryboner

MalachiTheatre: hey you
Miffified: ass monk
MalachiTheatre: indeed
Miffified: i think you meditate on homosexual sex
MalachiTheatre: I am practicing
Miffified: you faggot
MalachiTheatre: a practicing monk
Miffified: get the hell away from me
Miffified: queer cooties
Miffified: godhatesfags.com
MalachiTheatre: god hates me in general
Miffified: that was ricky
MalachiTheatre: hehe
Miffified: YOU FAGGOT
MalachiTheatre: yes
MalachiTheatre: are you talking to me?
MalachiTheatre: haha
Miffified: novelty, of course
MalachiTheatre: most deffinetly
Miffified: stop being good humored, you asshole
Miffified: go back to your queer 'art'
MalachiTheatre: well... I should
Miffified: queer house
MalachiTheatre: but I was doing that all day
Miffified: i bet you all listen to 'house' and 'dance', queer european music
MalachiTheatre: i need a break
MalachiTheatre: hmm
MalachiTheatre: not really
Miffified: you moronic college student
Miffified: it's solely, not souly
Miffified: i bet you just want the discounts
Miffified: 'whoah dude, i'm in college now.'
MalachiTheatre: well I don't feel any younger thats for sure
MalachiTheatre: but I certainly wouldn't call this place college
MalachiTheatre: I think its more like a ghetto
MalachiTheatre: or... perhaps a high school
Miffified: high because they all use drugs
Miffified: we need someone for a pirate ship
Miffified: arrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
MalachiTheatre: wait.. I thought they would be high because they didn't use drugs
MalachiTheatre: damn right
Miffified: you fight like a cow
Miffified: 'how appropriate, you fight like a dairy farmer'
MalachiTheatre: perhaps I should join w/ the pirates and have a gay orgy with the sailors on our queer ass fuck ship
Miffified: ass fuck ship
MalachiTheatre: I don't fight... I am gay.. and into art
Miffified: how much weight have you lost? have you touched sugar?
MalachiTheatre: I prefer conversation
MalachiTheatre: rather than battle
MalachiTheatre: perhaps it is a battle of its own
MalachiTheatre: no sugar exept from fruit
MalachiTheatre: how appropriate I know
MalachiTheatre: hhehe
Miffified: i'm sure you eat plenty of fruit
MalachiTheatre: I beat you to that one fucker
Miffified: futt of buckingham
MalachiTheatre: nice little spoonerism
Miffified: like, how fabulous
Miffified: i like your intar-web vocabulary
MalachiTheatre: perhaps you can transfer some of your pseudo-knowledge towards a useful cause
MalachiTheatre: like... photo journalism
MalachiTheatre: (caption)...
"see how the gaping anus protrudes"
Miffified: yes
MalachiTheatre: that would be a good use of time anyway.. since you seem to have ever so much
MalachiTheatre: 12 lbs by the way
Miffified: by the way
Miffified: like, whoah
MalachiTheatre: where is sarah?
Miffified: stairing up your huge gaping asshole
MalachiTheatre: did you have to mutate her again?
MalachiTheatre: right.. because someone has plowed that ass... (you are particularly vulgar tonite)
MalachiTheatre: I suggest you look up vulgar in the dictionary
Miffified: i suggest you look up "tonite" in the dictionary
MalachiTheatre: it doesn't just refer to perverted ickiness
Miffified: along with "souly"
MalachiTheatre: it really just means.. George W.
MalachiTheatre: right.. i was waiting for that one
MalachiTheatre: haha
MalachiTheatre: maybe you should abreviate some too since you are so long winded
MalachiTheatre: frankly I am impatient with this conversation as nothing has become of it.
MalachiTheatre: so... I will move on
MalachiTheatre: to more uninteresting things
MalachiTheatre: .
Miffified: http://www.geocities.com/kirkisanasshole/
MalachiTheatre: na
MalachiTheatre: not feeli'n it
MalachiTheatre: sorry.
Miffified: it's okay it'll be tough but i think i can recover
MalachiTheatre: link this...

Miffified: from my gaping backside
Miffified: more interesting url:
Miffified: www.amishrakefight.org/gfy
Miffified: i'm digital and amish
MalachiTheatre: the only way that particularly discusting man could have such a "hole" would mean that he had been driven by a 2x4
Miffified: no
Miffified: look at the full site
Miffified: click on 'the giver'
MalachiTheatre: sorry. I don't really want to
MalachiTheatre: perhaps we can play some other time
Miffified: yes you do, you filthy filthy pervert
Miffified: once i message you david
MalachiTheatre: ...friends much
MalachiTheatre: ?
MalachiTheatre: hm
MalachiTheatre: I don't want to recount that ordeal
MalachiTheatre: it pains me to see you retaliate the way you do though.
Miffified: since when did it become a competition?
Miffified: (a few minutes go by)
MalachiTheatre: hm? well remember I am artsy... and very cut-throat... everything is competition
Miffified: Don't, don't you want me?
Miffified: is it true that homosexuals have high voices because of the semen coating their vocal cords?
MalachiTheatre: spare me of your glib inane humor
Miffified: just wondering?
MalachiTheatre: well I dont have a high voice
MalachiTheatre: so... maybe I am not a homosexual
Miffified: yes youdo, it's very theatrical
Miffified: i hope william doesn't here of this
MalachiTheatre: you figure it out ... i am sure you will be succesfull since you understand lynux
Miffified: hear
Miffified: linux, fool
MalachiTheatre: you're right he would correct your incorrect spellings of hearing
Miffified: "spellings of hearing" is an accurate term
Miffified: once again, i admire your sense of logic
Miffified: if you were really theatrical, you would use italics like i am
MalachiTheatre: I don't have much. I really don't care.
Miffified: and you would dance gracefully
Miffified: then perhaps you should not attempt any
Miffified: what is love? baby, don't hurt me; don't hurt me, no more.
MalachiTheatre wants to directly connect.
Miffified: n
MalachiTheatre has cancelled request due to no response from you; no connection was made. (If you and your buddy are each behind a different firewall, then the connection will not work; check with your network administrator if you are not sure about your firewall status. You should also try going into the Talk or IM Images sections of AIM preferences and toggle the 'Use Address' option.).
Miffified: my gps is eight inches long
MalachiTheatre wants to send file 356034.jpg.
Miffified: you silly goose
Miffified: can you just link it to me, it's possible on the intarweb, yes?
Miffified: bling bling
Connection problem with MalachiTheatre; the file will not be sent. (If you and your buddy are each behind a different firewall, then the connection will not work; check with your network administrator if you are not sure about your firewall status.).
MalachiTheatre: na...
MalachiTheatre: don't really want to
Miffified: kirkse.cjb.net
MalachiTheatre: i just was sending a pic of myself for you because i am not going to be around for a long time ..... maybe I won't see you again.. its possible
MalachiTheatre: good to know that we can leave on good terms though
MalachiTheatre: take care both of you.... oh wait...take care both of you
MalachiTheatre signed off at 21:15:45.

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Last modified: 1/4/11, 10:42 AM
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