Saturday, 20. July 2002
oh this is so weird! i haven't been here in ages well anyway the last time i came here it was down and i thought they had cancelled me because i hadn't been here in so long and i was lik eoh they're just like geocities except three years faster. anyway. well i hope you all are doing well because i'm doing... uh... i don't know. dude, i was just thinking, i kind of miss my beelogh but oh well its not like i would use it anyway because i stopped when i didn't feel like it at all and couldn't when it came down to it because i think thats those couple of weeks when i did practically nothing but watch alfred hitchcock movies. i couldn't remember then, and i can't remember now, whether i did anything else, but i must have because i didn't watch THAT many... i dunno. the time flies like the bricks out the window of my goddamned subconscious. uhhhh so i just did a lot of freewriting and it was fun. not total freewriting because thats just annoying because i'm innately obsessed with rhythm and assonance and all and that just gets annoying as hell, like some goddamned conversation i'm having, seriously! anyways i did do some freewriting but only for a few minutes because it felt like forever because i was annoying the hell out of myself. so then i just went to detailing a little event of my day and it comes quite easy, in fact. i'm actually able to articulate all the things that i see and feel in a moment, and those are a lot, and the only time i know what i'm seeing and feeling is when i write about it because otherwise my brain is in a weird antiverbal dimension. it's preposterous. just little two-track tunes floating about somewhere in some big fat mist full of lots of shit that's way too thick to cipher. uhh so i got this letter yesterday from this chick named emily hood, my peer advisor at marlboro. i don't like nice and polite letters, so i'm going to write her an honest one. hers was semihonest but way too polite. i guess she sees me as some scared little freshman-in-a-hole. i hate the division of the ages. anyway, i wish my peer advisor were kristen O, because she was my tour guide a year ago and she was really pretty and nice and sweet. awww. i saw a picture yesterday or something of her on the marlboro website, working with puppets. she told me last summer that she was working in puppetry and literature. how groovy. puppets would be so fun to make, man. but i'm not dextrously (???)-advanced enough to be any good at the operation thereof. i would be the producer and certainly not the actor. i wonder how it is to be a puppet-actor, a puppeteer, i'm not confident enough in my vocal skills to be one. being a puppet-maker would be perfect though. i'd not only get to sculpt, not only create faces, but i'd get to SCULPT FACES!!! so i'm going to write this chick a letter now, a nice honest letter to begin another false friendship that will end within three weeks after the onset of the glorious vermont school year.
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